
Being active in research, publishing, and sharing research results through peer-reviewed articles in scientific journals is an essential part of day-to-day work. This site includes a list of publications from research projects that I’ve been involved in.


Utilisation of Healthcare in Children Born to Lymphoma Survivors in Sweden

Entrop JP; Wintzell V; Dietrich CE; Marklund A; Glimelius I; El-Galaly TC; Smedby KE; Eloranta S
(pre-registered, ongoing research)



Reproduction patterns among non-Hodgkin lymphoma survivors by subtype in Sweden, Denmark and Norway: A population-based matched cohort study

Entrop JP; Weibull CE; Smedby KE; Jakobsen LH; Øvlisen AK; Glimelius I; Marklund A; Larsen TS; Holte H; Fosså A; Smeland KB; El-Galaly TC; Eloranta S

PDF Citation OSF

Reproduction patterns among classical Hodgkin lymphoma survivors treated with BEACOPP and ABVD in Sweden, Denmark and Norway-A population-based matched cohort study

Entrop JP; Weibull CE; Smedby KE; Jakobsen LH; Øvlisen AK; Molin D; Glimelius I; Marklund A; Holte H; Fosså A; Smeland KB; El-Galaly TC; Eloranta S

PDF Citation OSF

Nationwide Assessment of Patient Trajectories in Mantle Cell Lymphoma: The Swedish MCLcomplete Project

Jerkeman M; Ekberg S; Glimelius I; Albertsson-Lindblad A; Entrop JP; Ellin F; Sonnevi K; Lewerin C; Brandefors L; Smedby KE

PDF Citation


Parenthood Rates and Use of Assisted Reproductive Techniques in Younger Hodgkin Lymphoma Survivors: A Danish Population-Based Study

Øvlisen AK; Jakobsen LH; Eloranta S; Kragholm KH; Hutchings M; Frederiksen H; Kamper P; Dahl-Sørensen RB; Stoltenberg D; Weibull CE; Entrop JP; Glimelius I; Smedby KE; Torp-Pedersen C; Severinsen MT; El-Galaly TC

PDF Citation

Type 2 diabetes risk in sarcoidosis patients untreated and treated with corticosteroids

Entrop JP; Kullberg S; Grunewald J; Eklund A; Brismar K; Arkema EV

PDF Citation